Postpartum OCD

Quick teaching point for today: postpartum OCD.

Postpartum OCD is a real condition. It is a subcategory of postpartum anxiety disorder and it typically happens within a week of delivery. It is physiologically due to an imbalance in oxytocin and serotonin levels after delivery. Postpartum OCD typically involves moms having really scary thoughts; thoughts of dropping their babies off of balcony and watching them die, thoughts of SIDS, thoughts of horrible images, images that wake you up in the middle of the night.

The difference between this and postpartum psychosis is that you know as a mom that you are living in reality, that this is not something that you're being commanded to do.

This is what happens to so many women, this is normal.

If you're experiencing these thoughts, you're not alone. Speak out, get help. I'm here


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