Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of conditions do your clients have? Can you help me?

The testimonials and patient stories found on this website are from real women who have had a multitude of obstetrical and maternal complications. They range from preterm labor, diabetes of pregnancy, infertility, vasa previa (a highly dangerous condition of the placenta), anxiety, postpartum depression, placenta accreta, abnormal fetal findings and challenging decisions regarding the findings—but there are so many others. Yes, I can help you, or I can get you to the person or service that can. I believe even if you don’t have “complications” of pregnancy, so many women that are on their journey to motherhood are not getting what they need in terms of informed support and are struggling through pregnancy feeling anxious and unsure, when they should instead feel empowered, strong, sacred. Making this critical shift in mindset in turn can lead to a more nurturing in utero and birth experience overall.

How do I book an appointment? What platform do you use?

Reach out to us at and we will find a mutually agreeable time. From there, please fill out the waiver and information form under Preparing for Your Appointment in this website and send back to us. I’ll spend the beginning of our visit asking you questions from the intake form to get your background history, then we can jump right in. Given that I will dedicate time just for you, Blue Moon has a 24-hour cancellation policy. In exchange, if you need me, you will never wait more than 24 hours ❤️

How many visits will I need? What if I want to space out my sessions?

How many visits you need will be up to you and your unique situation. If your issue is something very straightforward—you’ve been told you are having specific testing and you’re not sure you understand why and don’t want to Google, schedule a single session with me. If you have just been diagnosed with preterm labor and your head is spinning and you’re freaking out because you’re on bed rest with a 2-year-old and are afraid of the possibilities, a 3 month trimester package will probably work best. Bigger challenges, bigger package; a Blue Moon intensive (one year) gives you tons of support and tons of access when you need me. If you have a preexisting condition, have a complex pregnancy and are seeing multiple specialists, or just want an extra guide during the whole journey, we can review a pregnancy bundle that would walk you through every visit and several postpartum sessions. Pricing will be based on how many visits we anticipate and our estimation of your needs.

Can I submit a bill to my insurance? Do you become one of my “doctors”?

I won’t “become” your doctor or provide medical service. I AM providing support, empowerment and helping you get what you need using the knowledge I’ve been lucky to gain over almost 20 years as a skilled, busy High Risk physician. I will be your translator, your guide, and your navigator to empower you in a way that you can maximize the care you are getting from your OBGYN as an educated, informed partner. I encourage you to let your physicians know we are working together—or keep me in your pocket as your special friend. Either way it’s up to you. My goal is to help you help your care team provide you with their very best—and for you to be an active, engaged, informed woman in the process.

What if my partner has questions? Can they also be in the session?

You are always welcome to include the person who will be supporting you the most during this pregnancy. However, most sessions are typically one-on-one.

What is the significance of the name Blue Moon?

Technically, a Blue Moon is the second full moon in one calendar month, happening approximately every 3 years. Thus, the term “once in a blue moon” implies something special and rare. I want you to believe that what I provide embodies that—and I want you to feel that way about yourself wherever you are on this journey.

Spiritually, the Blue Moon is said to illuminate our hopes and dreams for the future and serves as the perfect time to activate our intentions for the future. Blue Moon is as much my baby as it is yours, and it was something that resonated with me not just for myself, but for the intentions I have for you.

Lastly the Moon is the symbol of the divine feminine. This represents creativity, empowerment and self expression. The divine feminine honors the sacred creature that is inside every one of us that can sometimes get lost in the shuffle—especially in today’s health care system. It also clearly embodies the energy that is used to give birth, both literally and figuratively.

What do I do if you’re booked and I really need you?

I will always, always try to accommodate you if the need arises. I want you to understand that I will offer you something that is outside of the scope of the existing medical system. However, I am not “on call” and won’t be able to get your message in real time, so please call your primary provider first for emergencies. You can always direct an email to and I will find space in my calendar for you if there is none available. Once in a Blue Moon, right?

Blue Moon Perinatal, LLC does not provide direct medical services. Blue Moon Perinatal, LLC provides coaching and support services intended to complement the medical care provided by your physicians. Blue Moon Perinatal, LLC’s services are not covered by health insurance. Dr. Shevell and her staff will not diagnose, order labs or other diagnostic tests, or make treatment recommendations.